Doogie Howser Wiki is a collaborative website dedicated to the television comedy-drama series Doogie Howser, M.D., which ran from September 1989 to March 1993 on ABC. It stars Neil Patrick Harris as a genius teenage doctor who is also faced with normal teenager problems. The wiki format allows anyone to create or edit any article, so we can all work together to create the site. Check out the FAQ to help you get started!
New on Doogie Howser Wiki |
- Featured Articles:
- Watch all 97 complete episodes and write summeries for Doogie Howser Wiki
Help Build Doogie Howser Wiki |
- You can help in three ways:
- Contribute a missing episode article, by summarizing it during your next re-watch!
- Write a character summary page, which should be fun!
- Write an actor page.
- For the visually inclined, you can help in other ways:
- Upload as many relevant images here as you can.
- Gather 1 screenshot from each episode. Follow the formate/sizing used in the Heroes wiki. Strike message here and then use Talk:Doogie Howser Wiki so we don't have several people doing the same thing and can divide the work.